Different types of alarm in Chiller

In data center chillers, alarms are critical for alerting facility managers to potential issues that could impact the cooling system and, consequently, the overall operation of the data center. Here's a detailed breakdown of different types of alarms in chiller systems: 1. Temperature Alarms High Chilled Water Temperature: Indicates that the temperature of the chilled water being supplied is above the set threshold. This can lead to inadequate cooling for data center equipment. Low Chilled Water Temperature: Indicates that the chilled water temperature is below the set threshold, which might cause freezing and damage to the chiller and associated piping. High Return Water Temperature: Signals that the water returning to the chiller is too hot, potentially overloading the chiller and reducing its efficiency. Low Return Water Temperature: Indicates that the return water temperature is too low, which can also cause freezing issues. 2. Pressure Alarms High Discharge Pressure: Indi...