
Showing posts from May, 2024

Different types of alarm in Chiller

In data center chillers, alarms are critical for alerting facility managers to potential issues that could impact the cooling system and, consequently, the overall operation of the data center. Here's a detailed breakdown of different types of alarms in chiller systems: 1. Temperature Alarms High Chilled Water Temperature: Indicates that the temperature of the chilled water being supplied is above the set threshold. This can lead to inadequate cooling for data center equipment. Low Chilled Water Temperature: Indicates that the chilled water temperature is below the set threshold, which might cause freezing and damage to the chiller and associated piping. High Return Water Temperature: Signals that the water returning to the chiller is too hot, potentially overloading the chiller and reducing its efficiency. Low Return Water Temperature: Indicates that the return water temperature is too low, which can also cause freezing issues. 2. Pressure Alarms High Discharge Pressure: Indi...

Circuit Breaker Safety Interlock Systems

  Circuit Breaker Safety Interlock Systems Explained 705×400 41.1 KB Drawout circuit breakers are equipped with safety interlock devices required by various  industry standards and certifying authorities.  Interlock systems are integral to ensuring the safety of  qualified personnel  and protecting equipment from catastrophic damage. During  routine maintenance  of circuit breakers, it is essential to operate all interlocks to confirm their proper functioning. Caution must be exercised to ensure that no interlock lever is bent, as this could compromise its functionality. The standard interlock devices described below are exclusively used on drawout breakers, as stationary or fixed breakers do not necessitate interlocks. Options for interlock devices tailored to special circuit breaker applications are also available. 1. Drawout Cradle Rejection Hardware In general, drawout circuit breakers of the same type and rating are interchangeable within their eq...

Cooling System use In Transformer

Transformer Cooling Systems: Classifications and Operation Explained 897×550 87.7 KB Heat is one of the leading causes of transformer failure. The main source of heat generation in transformers is caused by copper loss in the windings and core (I²R losses). If heat inside a transformer is not properly dissipated, the temperature will continually rise, potentially damaging the insulation. A transformer operating at just 10°C above its rating will reduce its life by 50%. It is easy to see why it is imperative to understand how transformers are cooled and how to detect problems in their cooling systems. Transformers may have multiple load ratings that correspond to multiple stages of cooling.  ANSI and IEEE  require the cooling class of each transformer to appear on its nameplate. The cooling classification of a transformer, expressed in letters, designates the type of cooling system used. Dry-Type Transformers Dry-type transformers feature coils in open air and depend primarily ...

Data Center Power Distribution

Data Center Power Distribution Basics 960×583 83 KB Data Center Power Distribution Example Power Flow In the modern age of information technology, the data center has become an essential part of government, education, and business enterprise. Responsible for storing the most critical and proprietary digital assets, there is no question that data centers play a vital role in our society. Data centers across the world each contain thousands of servers that run non-stop around the clock. In 2013, the U.S. Department of Energy reported that  data centers consumed about 100 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity,  representing more than 2% of all U.S. electricity use. Large corporations and government institutions typically build and manage their own data center in-house if they have the resources, while others may rent space from a provider. Data centers at this scale may be the size of entire city blocks and be equipped with enough electrical infrastructure to power an entire town...